
Top reasons to study engineering at HKUST, Hong Kong

Study Engineering at HKUST

Thinking of preparing yourself for senior positions in the engineering industry? Looking for reliable support to empower you to pursue your academic goals? 

Welcome to the School of Engineering of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), a global engineering powerhouse and one of Asia’s top academic faculties. 

Study Engineering at HKUST – HKUST is a relatively new institution at only 29 years old, but it has consistently been ranked amongst the world’s top 30 research universities over the past decade.

  • QS University Rankings 2020 – Engineering and Technology 
  • 24th in Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2020 – Engineering and Technology 
  • 10th in Global University Employability Rankings 2019 
  • 32nd in QS World University Rankings 2020 – Chemical Engineering 

Global Engineering Powerhouse

Established in 1991, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) is an international research university dedicated to top-notch education and research. Founded on its mission to advance learning and knowledge through teaching and research particularly in science, technology, engineering, management and business studies, complemented by humanities and social sciences.  

Largest School at HKUST – School of Engineering

With over 3,300 undergraduates and more than 2,200 postgraduates, the School of Engineering (SENG) enrolls over one-third of the University’s student body.  Simultaneously, about 30 percent of HKUST’s faculty members are in SENG.  On the whole, SENG is the largest school at HKUST.   

Diverse Student Community

Affordable Tuition

Compared to engineering schools with similar rankings, tuition fees for study Engineering at HKUST Engineering MSc programs are 30%-50% lower as compared to US and UK universities. 

Best Immigration Policies

Hong Kong has one of the best immigration policies in advanced countries for overseas students, Graduates of our master’s degrees can stay in Hong Kong to work and to become permanent residents.

Guaranteed 12-month visa to work in Hong Kong – Enable non-local students to explore the myriad of opportunities available to them.

Attend FREE webinar “Connect & Explore your engineering career at HKUST, Hong Kong”, Learn more about Hong Kong (HK) and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), the advantages of studying graduate programs in HKUST School of Engineering, the respective program offerings and admission details!

Also, learn about Program Details, Financial Support and various Scholarships available.

Know 5 more reasons why you should consider HKUST for Engineering Graduate program in this webinar. Get opportunity for 1-to-1 discussions.

Register for the webinar now to meet Ms. Fenny Wong- Assistant Director, Professional Programs, HKUST

Date: 17th Feb’2021, Time: 3:00pm – 5:30pm.

Registration: https://ust.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_00vqwiONyyUU7Pg

For any query related to admissions, reach out to info@credevaluate.org or +91-9811712457

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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