
GTE Assessment service to Global Universities in Australia Assessing International students
from South Asia region
Trusted Compliance Partner
to Global Universities
Deep understanding of Australia’s SSVF and GTE compliance requirements
Focus on Quality,
Integrity & Efficiency
ISO 9001-2015 certified QMS accredited by JAS- ANZ, Quick Turnaround Time, and a pledge to uphold Integrity offers best value to Universities


Processes designed and enforced to deliver the assessment report in fastest average turnaround time

ISO 9001-2015 accredited by JAS-ANZ

We focus on delivering high quality credential evaluation services as per agreed SLAs


A pledge to hold a high level of Integrity, and Ethics. Applicants are evaluated with unbiased approach
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We are Credevaluate

Dedicated. Professional. Reliable.

Credevaluate Global LLP. is a leading professional GTE assessment service provider to the top universities in Australia.

With the rise of fraud in admissions, universities are likely to risk their reputation and compromise on quality standards. To help combat such situations, our team of professionals assesses students’ applications and performs Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) assessment as per Australian Government, Department of Home Affairs requirement.

Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) Services

For Global Universities across Australia

With more and more students pursuing foreign education, it is essential to have a accurate and thorough verification of the candidate’s academic and non-academic background to avoid fraud. Our expert verification services wisely assess the credentials of all students from the South Asian region intaking foreign education at the leading universities of Australia.

Need Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) Assessment service? We are the right partners.


Countries we focus in

Email : info@credevaluate.org
Email : info@credevaluate.org
Email : info@credevaluate.org
Email : info@credevaluate.org
Email : info@credevaluate.org
Get in touch

Is your University facing admission frauds ?
We are there to help you.

We operate across South Asia Region for Universities across the globe with a team of experienced professionals.






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Melbourne, Australia
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(10am - 05 pm)

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