
Dedicated. Professional. Reliable.

About us

Your Trusted International Credential Evaluation Partner

Credevaluate Global LLP (LLP identification number: AAS-5725) is an international credential evaluation services company governed as a registered LLP entity with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India.

Credevaluate is a professional and proficient organization that elevates the global admission and employment standards to a higher level. We started as an ethical contributor for accurate and thorough international academic evaluations and now are proud partners with the leading universities of Australia. Many more are on the way to be added to our shelves.

With the swing of complexities in assessments, we have aligned our best foot forward with 15+ years of an experienced team of professionals working their way out to assess the credentials of students from South Asian region, for smooth and screened university admissions that improves conversions, and student retention.

We are the perfect partners for every international university to help assess students’ credentials, across South Asian regions to ensure their genuity.

Our AI-based platform with enhanced IT security assures our users of data security and privacy of their credentials.


To become the trusted and preferred compliance partner to global institutions.

Our Mission: Deliver high-quality, technology-enabled credential evaluation/ GTE assessment services to top global institutions.


Why us for GTE Assessment service for Universities in Australia?

GTE Assessment service designed for Global Institutions.
Our service let institutions focus on their key business and we responsibly deliver GTE assessments as per DHA, Australian Government guidelines.
Global Institutions benefits in cost and quality with faster turn around time of assessments by relying on our service as an extended team.

Rich Experience

We have rich experience of assessing GTE assessment applications for applicants from South Asia region

Relevant Competence

Deep understanding of compliance requirements to qualify fraudulent identity with relevant skill set

Operational Excellence

Well-structured processes with compliance to ISO9001-2015 QMS accredited by JAS-ANZ


Technology enabled assessments using AI based software platform, Credevaluate Assessment Central

Customer Experience

Customer Focus drives our decisions and operations strategy with regular feedback.

Our Strong Values

Our company is built on strong value system- Ethics, Integrity, Responsibility, Commitment, Customer-Centric

Deliver high-quality GTE Assessment service with best experience to global institutions.

Be assured of international credential evaluation with us !


GTE Assessment is a 4-step simple and well-engineered process

Service delivery process following ISO 9001-2015 Quality Management System
Process improvement using Kaizen principle and regular feedback from client universities
Technology enabled using AI powered Credevaluate Assessment Central (CAC)

Service Agreement

Service agreement is signed, credentials of University officials is created on CAC.

Applications Upload

University admission officials commences to upload applicant’s application for GTE Assessment on CAC.


Data validation and assessment is conducted using processes engineered as per ISO 9001-2015 certified QMS in place.

Report Generated

A comprehensive assessment report is generated. Universities can view the status of all applications on CAC.
Want to know more about us?

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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